What to Expect

Pelvic health evaluation:

A detailed history will be taken to begin to develop a diagnosis. The next part of the evaluation will depend on your comfort level. Whatever you are comfortable with, will be done that day. 

​You will undress from the waist on down and lie flat on a treatment table. An external assessment of the pelvic floor will be performed to see the integrity of your tissues and how your muscles are moving. We will look at any scars and tissue restrictions. 

​If you are comfortable, we will do an internal muscle assessment of the pelvic floor. This is not the same as a pelvic exam at your gynecologist office with a speculum. We will use a gloved finger to gently test each muscle for strength, sensation, tone, and flexibility. The testing is not meant to cause pain, and will be performed in a gentle, slow, and mindful manner. You will always have control of when/if you want to stop the assessment at any time. 

​We will then discuss in detail the findings from the evaluation and the treatment plan. 

​Follow up appointments will consist of hands-on techniques to target your impairments and develop a tailored home program to meet your goals.  

Breast Cancer Rehab and Lymphedema evaluation:

At your first appt, a thorough evaluation of the affected area will be completed. Most people have not had adequate education about lymphedema and how to manage it well. This will be discussed in detail until you feel confident that you understand and have all of your questions answered. If the intensive phase (2 weeks of at least 3 days a week of MLD then compression bandaging), a plan to start this process will be discussed. Compression bandages can be purchased directly at the clinic.

The next visit, manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) will be performed, and compression bandaging will be placed on your affected area. Please be aware that the wraps are bulky and can sometimes feel alarming. 

Depending on your comfort level, you may or may not be able to drive yourself home if your right leg is wrapped. If your lymphedema is in your leg, please bring a very large, thick sock to fit over your foot wrap, or a surgical walking shoe (Like this one) to wear out of the clinic. Your regular shoe will not fit over the bandages. If your arm is wrapped, you should still be able to drive home. We will move your arm before you leave so you have enough range of motion in your elbow.

​The follow up sessions will be repeated MLD and compression bandages until your lymphedema is stable. Kana will measure your limb for a compression garment and it will be ordered for you.

Orthopedic evaluation:

We will take a detailed history of your injury to begin to form a diagnosis. A thorough assessment will be performed to confirm the diagnosis and begin to develop a plan of care. A clear explanation of the injury and treatment plan will be discussed with you until you fully understand what's happening to your body. There is usually time for some treatment.  Please wear comfortable "workout" clothing for your initial evaluation.

The follow up sessions will consist of hands-on techniques and development of a home program to maintain the work done in the clinic.  Wearing loose shorts for easy access of your lumbar spine, pelvis, and hips is very helpful for the hands-on techniques.  We will always have shorts for you to change into as well.  

Your PT will continue to work with you until you meet your goals and back to the things you want to do. 

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